Effective and durable protection for water systems

Secondary disinfection provides enhanced, long-lasting protection for water systems by significantly inhibiting the growth of microorganisms that cause harm to human health.

Supporting primary disinfection, secondary disinfection is designed to provide ongoing mitigation against the risks associated with legionella and other waterborne pathogens.

Safety and compliance

The role of secondary disinfection is to maintain optimum water quality and protect building occupants, employees and visitors, while minimising the risk of the degradation of high value assets.

A robust programme of water disinfection methods enables facilities managers, site operators and other responsible parties to:


Guardian Secondary Disinfection services

Secondary disinfection is often delivered using powerful anti-microbial chemicals including chlorines, chlorine dioxides and monochloramines that are risky to store and handle and cause harm to the environment.

At Guardian Water Treatment, we take an alternative approach with a range of highly effective Hypochlorous Acid based secondary disinfection options that provide a safe working environment for engineers and protect animal species from harm.

“Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) [is] the form of chlorine that is most effective as a biocide.”

HSG274 – HSE’s technical guidance on Legionnaires’ disease, Part 1: The control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) benefits

HOCl is a particularly fast-acting biocide that can be used for flushing, shock-dosing, mobile and emergency disinfection and continuous disinfection in acute applications.

  • Safe for humans
  • Chemical-free, non-toxic and naturally occurring
  • Improved safety, storage and handling
  • No need for PPE
  • Long-shelf life, less wastage
  • Lower CO2 emissions
  • Breaks down biofilms
  • Quickly eradicates legionella
  • Widely used across NHS sites


Secondary Disinfection Sectors

  • Food & Beverage – dairies, fruit, vegetable, seafood, fish and poultry processing
  • Industry – cooling water treatment, legionella control, process water, slime control
  • Water companies – Disinfection of potable water and wastewater
  • Healthcare facilities – Hospitals, care homes etc
  • Hospitality and leisure settings – hotels, sports centres, swimming pools, spa facilities


Contact our team of experts today to discuss your requirements.

For further information on the treatment options available, download WCS Group’s e-book:

Water safety, disinfection and secondary disinfection.