Archive for 2018

Guardian exhibits at Healthcare Estates Management Conference

29th June 2018

We’re exhibiting at the Healthcare Estates Management Conference with our certified partner, Hevasure, taking place at the AJ Bell Stadium in Salford, on the 10th July. We’ll be showcasing our specialist water treatment solutions for the healthcare sector, including Hevasure’s 24/7 remote monitoring unit, which provides real-time data regarding water system condition, designed to prevent […]

Legionella Policy for Dental Practices

5th June 2018

Legionellosis is the collective name given to the pneumonia-like illness caused by legionella bacteria. The most serious is Legionnaire’s disease, which is potentially fatal. Legionella bacteria live in water supplies so dental practices have a duty of care to protect their patients and staff from potential harm. Everyone is susceptible to infection. However, those over […]

Defra’s draft Clean Air Strategy published

22nd May 2018

Environmental Secretary, Michael Gove, has today (22nd May) published a draft Clean Air Strategy to tackle toxic air pollution. The 104-page strategy has been launched for consultation, the results from which will inform the final Clean Air Strategy to be published in March 2019. The proposals crack down on a wide range of pollutants, including […]

Helping the Facilities Show celebrate World FM Day

18th May 2018

It was World FM Day on the 16th May. We showed our support by providing advice for FMs on improving the sustainability of water treatment as part of a range of articles put together by the Facilities Show. The article looked at the latest water system management solutions, including 24/7 monitoring system, Hevasure, non-chemical treatment […]

Steven Booth takes helm at Guardian Water Treatment

27th March 2018

We are pleased to announce that Steven Booth has become Managing Director. He will report to Phil Greenwood, CEO, WCS Group, which acquired Guardian in December 2017. Steven has worked for Guardian for six years and is a trained water treatment chemist, with experience across a range of industry sectors; from Facilities Management, to Food & […]

High Air Pollution Levels Put UK Pensioners at Risk: Labour’s Clean Air Act Proposal

8th March 2018

Recent research by the Labour party has come up with some worrying figures relating to air quality and the impact of this on our elderly population. Results were drawn from House of Commons Library data supplied by local authorities, where levels of NO2 had been found to breach legal limits in 2015. 56% of the […]

Prevent corrosion in your HVAC System

23rd January 2018

How a water system is specified, designed and constructed has a big impact on the future likelihood of it developing corrosion. Correct construction and pre-commissioning cleaning are the first steps and then it’s important to ensure the system is regularly maintained to prevent corrosion in your HVAC system. LTHW and chilled water systems that are […]

Clean Air Day 2018

23rd January 2018

The second national Clean Air Day 2018 will take place on the 21st June, led by the environmental charity Global Action Plan. Businesses, organisations and volunteers, are being asked to take part in improving the air quality of the British Isles by committing to try a clean air action for the first time. Traffic is […]